Why I ride
I just discovered an unpublished blog post from before I even started this trip. It was supposed to be in a quick introduction to my trip and the reasons behind it. At some point I probably realised t ...
I just discovered an unpublished blog post from before I even started this trip. It was supposed to be in a quick introduction to my trip and the reasons behind it. At some point I probably realised t ...
Life Changes For a long time I had no idea if I should write this post or skip it. I decided to go for it, because for those who still follow this blog it’s necessary to understand why my style ...
Approaching Tehran After about a week we felt the need to leave Tabriz and to continue our journey towards the infamous capital of Iran. The roads in Iran are quite OK, maps are not that accurate, bu ...
After cycling with my brother for almost a month I met up with (a cleanly shaven) Chris in the capital of Georgia, Tbilisi. Like every other major city in Georgia, Tbilisi wants to become a haven ...
By now my loyal readers should be used to me starting every post with an excuse for why it's been such a long time since the last one. This post is no exception: I'm sorry you guys, I've been enjoying ...
It's been a while since the last post and my 100th day on the road seems so far behind. A new personal record is coming up though: six months and 10.000 kms on the road. Six months is sort of a ...
It's offial: Since I left my hometown in South Germany more than four months ago, I cycled over 6000km through 14 countries to reach my next continent. Never before have I left Europe without the ai ...
A couple of days back I celebrated my 100th day on the road (by eating a huge water melon of course) and so now this trip is officially my longest bicycle trip both in time and distance. For th ...
Just as promised here is my post about Serbia (and also a little bit about my last couple of days in Bosnia and Herzegowina and Croatia) a country that has grown close to me over the past few weeks (m ...
Oh yes, the past couple of weeks have been good to me. Maybe too good, because my last post was over a month ago. My plan was to blog every two weeks or so and I will try to stick to that schedu ...
After years of dreaming about a bicycle tour around the world and months of planning one, I finally pushed my bike out of my parents courtyard. Too be honest I didn’t think saying goodby ...